

Trip to the USA - thinking in that direction


This is not the first trip back to the United States for Christiane or me.


But since it has been several years since the last session of travel in that direction,

some review of the process & planning seems indicated.


It is no longer simply packing a suitcase and getting on the plane before it takes off.


Some in our family are true experts at this process of moving around the globe.


Seeking their input and feedback seems more than convenient, and probably essential.


To begin, I have pasted on this page my current (March 9) outline to get this process underway.


All reactions to any of the the following line items are more than welcome.


Most recent trips of the past were for illnesses and funerals.

This trip for a son's wedding, promises to be a source of joy.


Trip process outline - 9 March, 2022



Even if WW-III is now underway, packing a gas mask may not yet be necessary.


Napoleon & Vladimir


"Birds of a feather, flock together."

(1545 - "The Rescuing of Romish Fox" - William Turner)

("Qui se ressemble, s'assemble.")


Packing a few surgical masks probably still is. I will also bring some material to do some

testing for SARS-CoV-2 should that become necessary.


Didn't need to bring those items when travelling on the Queen Mary.


"All things are difficult before they are easy." (Thomas Fuller)

For example, doing an appendectomy.



With a little luck, Nick will be able to take a few minutes off from his NFT market commentary activities to communicate a bit before our arrival for the Big Day.


So. Who has some travel essentials to share in pandemic year 2022?



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